Hello World.
Hi there!
Hi! My name is Jocelyn, and I wanted to make a blog post kind of explaining what I’m doing here. When I realized my passion was creativity, I always dreamed of pursuing it. It took me years to fully accept myself and to believe in my own abilities enough. For this website, I wanted to have a platform where I could openly pursue my interests and share my love of art with others.
So in addition to making a website for my art, I have made a shop to sell prints, clothes I sew and create, and random objects of interest. The blog consists of random thoughts like this, health blogs, art blogs, and music blogs. I love the creative community, and I want to be able to express myself and communicate with fellow creatives to make something beautiful!
With these Threads, I want to have discussions on topics open to what others think, aiming to expand our thoughts!
Thank You
to be here
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